Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 9

Hi guys, this week was a stressful week for me, school life and whatnot. I'm still not in the right mindset for school yet, I think it'll be like this until school ends. I can't really focus these days. But anyways! This week, we just finished up our deltoids and trapezius' and all that fun stuff. We're really just doing more gesture drawings and such, like I've said before, I really need to practice on my 30 second gesture drawings. I always get frustrated when that 30 second timer goes off, because I feel like I didn't even get a chance to capture the essence of the pose yet. I always am only getting the spinal column and the ribcage down and sometimes the pelvic bones. But when I start drawing something else, the timer goes off. I need to learn how to capture everything faster and more correct, because most of the times, my drawings will have too long of a torso or something. Even when I'm drawing during the one minute poses, I sometimes take too long of a time trying to perfect the spine and the ribcage position that when I get to the pelvis, the timer goes off. I should really just learn that gesture drawings are just for capturing the moment and not all about getting everything correct, and that I shouldn't try to refine everything in my gesture drawings because they are only gestures.

This is my hour long drawing that I did of our model, I think it looks way off because her torso looks too long or I think it's because I drew her right thigh way too small. And I didn't finish her hands so of course that looks a little weird. lol I just realized that another thing that looked weird was the armpit doesn't really connect to the torso underneath the breast.


  1. Personally I don't think the torso is that far off what it should be in your drawing. I have had mine stretch on for what seems like miles before. Although I agree that the right thigh is a little bit small but don't fret you do many things well such as the torso's position on top of the waist.

  2. Nothing strikes me as completely off when looking at your drawing. I particularly like your simple suggestions of the shape and planes of the abs on the torso. I also like the shapes of the legs and how you can see them reacting to the position that the model was sitting in.
